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A Generative-AI Platform for Subject Specific Intelligent Tutoring Systems

AI in Higher Education: Empowering Teachers through Knowledge Exchange, Research, and Capacity Building

Applying Virtual Reality to Virtual Teaching and Learning in Traditional Chinese Medicine Education (Orthopedics and Trauma)

Challenges and Possibilities: Active Learning Strategy in Metaverse for Health Professions Education

Co-Creating the Future of Education: A Student Partnership Project

Design Thinking for Full Scale Prototyping in Studio Based Learning

Design-Led STEM for Creative Innovations

Developing a Co-designer ChatGPT Platform to Support Instructors in Their Course Design

Developing University Instructors’ Discipline-Specific Professional Generative AI Competence

Development of a Web-based Remote Laboratory for Science and Engineering Students (科學與工程教育遙距實驗室)

Engaging and Transforming Statistics Research Postgraduates in Teaching Statistics to Non-Background Students: Challenges and Lessons

Enhancing Competence in Eye Care for Children with Special Educational Needs: An Inter-professional Collaborative Training Program for Optometry and Education Students

Enhancing the Students’ Job-readiness by Developing an Electronic Teaching and Learning Kit (e-JR kit) with Industry Involvement (04/QESS/2022)

Exploring “Correlation Does Not Imply Causation” in Introductory Statistics

Exploring the Student Experience with AI-Generated Content in Learning

FITE-IICA: Developing an AI Platform to Promote University Students’ Reflective Capacity

Fostering a Versatile Teaching and Learning Community of Practice (T&L CoP): Advancing Pedagogic Excellence

From Nurturing Digital Citizenship to Advocating Digital Ethics and Responsibility

Future-Proofing Business Education: A Proposal for AI Integration With Blended Learning

Global Citizenship Education for a Better World in the ESL Classroom

How To Blend in Preservation of Cultural Heritage Into Pre-Internship Training – An Exemplar From a VR Simulation of Internvision

iLearn English – The Development of an English Learning Mobile Application and its Sustainability

Immersive Technologies in Higher Education: What’s Next?

Integrating Co-Teaching Across Disciplines: A Multifaceted Study on Carbon Footprint within General Education Courses

Integration of Robotic Fabrication Technologies in Architectural Education: Developing Effective Teaching Methods and Curriculum

Internvision – Virtual Reality Dual-Platform System for Internship Training – Success Factors From an Idea To Envisaging Your Future Profession

Kindergarten To Primary Transition – Supporting Children’s Well-Being

Knowlearn: Evaluating Cross-Subjects Interactive Learning by Deploying Knowledge Graph and Large Language Model

Knowledge Transfer and Pedagogical Innovation: The International Virtual Network of HKBU SCE

Multi-Faceted Approach to Promote Ocean Literacy and Public Stewardship for Coral Conservation

Online or Offline or Both? The Support of Blended Learning

Systematised Planned Humour in Teaching Improves Student Learning Across Disciplines

The Challenges and Progress of Building Diversity and Inclusion Education on the Campus

The Value Co-creation Process and Practices – A Case Study of Gerontechnology Education at Lingnan University

Unlocking Success: Exploring Effective Strategies for Flipped Learning and Teaching in Higher Education

Virtual Reality (VR): Transforming Sustainable Education