Integrating Co-Teaching Across Disciplines: A Multifaceted Study on Carbon Footprint within General Education Courses

Poster Presentation Time: 1225-1400; 1500-1600
Venue: A2, Tai Po-Shek-O Room, Lower Level I
– Professor Helen Hongyan GENG, Assistant Professor of Teaching, Science Unit, Lingnan University
This study investigates the implementation of co-teaching in four general education courses — Earth Science, Environmental Science, Ecology, and Law—centered around the theme of carbon footprint. The project unfolds in two phases. Phase I engages Earth Science and Environmental Science in a structured debate on climate change, aiming to enhance students’ critical thinking by juxtaposing evidence supporting climate change against skeptical views. Phase II extends the co-teaching model to include Earth Science, Law, and Ecology, with a focus on groundwater pollution, to highlight a multidisciplinary approach to the issue. Throughout both phases, students from the co-teaching courses assimilated both face-to-face and online, concluding with individual research projects that analyze their co-teaching experiences. This study aims to promote curiosity-driven learning, nurture multidisciplinary education, and enhance students’ critical thinking and analytical competence.