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A Generative-AI Platform for Subject Specific Intelligent Tutoring Systems

CityU Tiger Programme: Empowering Elite Students to Reach New Height of Excellence

Co-creation of CLIL Assessment through Disciplinary Communities of Practice

Collaborative Effort to Establish Best Practices of Programme Articulation Process and Academic Advising to Senior Year Admission Students

Development and Formation of Structured Whole Person Development Programme in the Self-Financing Post-secondary Institutions

Educating Socially Responsible *Global* Citizens: Service-Learning as a Vehicle for Internationalization

Exploring the Student Experience with AI-Generated Content in Learning

From Language Learning to Language Teaching: The Effect and Affect of Teaching English/Chinese as a Service-Learning Experience

Gamification for Self-Regulation: Exploring the Impact of Personalized Performance Feedback in Massive Open Online Courses

Harness the Power of Student-Staff Partnership when Designing an International Service-Learning Project

Impact of Edu-Metaverse on Motivation, Cognitive Benefits and Learning Outcomes

Integrating Co-Teaching Across Disciplines: A Multifaceted Study on Carbon Footprint within General Education Courses

Knowlearn: Evaluating Cross-Subjects Interactive Learning by Deploying Knowledge Graph and Large Language Model

Promoting Wellbeing and Whole Person Development: Leadership and Intrapersonal Development Curriculum at PolyU

Unlocking Success: Exploring Effective Strategies for Flipped Learning and Teaching in Higher Education