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A Generative-AI Platform for Subject Specific Intelligent Tutoring Systems

AI for All: Nurturing AI Literacy for Students at CityUHK

Application of Digital Human in the Metaverse platform – “Learningverse” for Learning and Teaching

Building AI Knowledge and Skills for Curriculum Development

CityU Tiger Programme: Empowering Elite Students to Reach New Height of Excellence

Design-Led STEM for Creative Innovations

Developing a Co-designer ChatGPT Platform to Support Instructors in Their Course Design

Development of a Web-based Remote Laboratory for Science and Engineering Students (科學與工程教育遙距實驗室)

Educating Socially Responsible *Global* Citizens: Service-Learning as a Vehicle for Internationalization

Enhancing Competence in Eye Care for Children with Special Educational Needs: An Inter-professional Collaborative Training Program for Optometry and Education Students

Enhancing Learning Strategies and Attitudes: The Role of PALSI in CityUHK’s Educational Ecosystem

Exploring “Correlation Does Not Imply Causation” in Introductory Statistics

FITE-IICA: Developing an AI Platform to Promote University Students’ Reflective Capacity

How To Blend in Preservation of Cultural Heritage Into Pre-Internship Training – An Exemplar From a VR Simulation of Internvision

iLearn English – The Development of an English Learning Mobile Application and its Sustainability

Immersive Technologies in Higher Education: What’s Next?

Internvision – Virtual Reality Dual-Platform System for Internship Training – Success Factors From an Idea To Envisaging Your Future Profession

Leveraging Metaverse for Promoting Data Security and Privacy Awareness

Multi-Faceted Approach to Promote Ocean Literacy and Public Stewardship for Coral Conservation

Online or Offline or Both? The Support of Blended Learning

Promoting Wellbeing and Whole Person Development: Leadership and Intrapersonal Development Curriculum at PolyU

The Challenges and Progress of Building Diversity and Inclusion Education on the Campus

Unlocking Success: Exploring Effective Strategies for Flipped Learning and Teaching in Higher Education

Virtual Reality (VR): Transforming Sustainable Education