Enhancing Students’ Workplace Putonghua Competence in the GBA Context via Video Learning Resources: A Collaboration With Industry Professionals in GBA

Poster Presentation Time: 1225-1400; 1500-1600
Venue: A4, Tai Po-Shek-O Room, Lower Level I

– Ms Yi LI, Lecturer, Centre for Language in Education, The Education University of Hong Kong


To enhance students’ proficiency in Putonghua and facilitate their integration into the workplace and life in the Greater Bay Area, the Centre for Language in Education at The Education University of Hong Kong is undertaking a Teaching Development Grant (TDG) project for 2023-2024. This project aims to engage professionals from various industries in the Greater Bay Area to conduct interviews on topics related to “work” and “life.” The interviews are categorized into four sections: “Job Hunting,” “Workplace Communication,” “Workplace Culture,” and “Life,” comprising a total of 20 topics. To provide comprehensive learning resources, the project team has recorded video interviews with experts, accompanied by textbook explanations. These valuable resources have been uploaded to EdUHK’s online learning platform, ensuring accessibility for all students. By utilizing this platform, students can enhance their learning experience and foster their understanding of the workplace environment in the Greater Bay Area. Through this initiative, students will gain valuable insights into the practical aspects of working and living in the Great Bay Area. The project aims to equip students with the essential language skills and cultural understanding required to excel in their future careers. This TDG project is designed to create an immersive and engaging learning environment by collaborating with industry professionals and leveraging an online platform. Collaborating with industry professionals and leveraging online platforms aims to create an immersive and engaging learning environment for students, preparing them for success in the dynamic Greater Bay Area.

Theme: 1. Showcase Project Achievements
Sub-theme: 1.1  Teaching Development and Language Enhancement Grant (TDLEG)