Systematised Planned Humour in Teaching Improves Student Learning Across Disciplines

Poster Presentation Time: 1225-1400; 1500-1600
Venue: C1, Tai Po-Shek-O Room, Lower Level I

– Dr Alex KOON, Senior Lecturer, School of Life Sciences, The Chinese University of Hong Kong


This poster-sharing session shares the outcomes collected in the first phase of a TDG project, “AI for Formative Assessment”, exploring how the Automated Speech Recognition (ASR) function in AI can possibly provide formative feedback in speaking assessments. In this phase of the project, language teachers from the Centre for Language in Education at the Education University of Hong Kong have applied the ASR function on Whatsapp, a daily social messenger platform for Hong Kong students, to provide formative feedback during a consultation session in a University speaking course: Skills for Language Test I. This project explores the effectiveness, challenges, and implications of using AI to provide formative feedback on pronouncing words and phrases.

Theme: 1. Showcase Project Achievements
Sub-theme: 1.1  Teaching Development and Language Enhancement Grant (TDLEG)