Advancing Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) Literacy in Healthcare and Medicine

Application of Digital Human in the Metaverse platform – “Learningverse” for Learning and Teaching

Developing a Co-designer ChatGPT Platform to Support Instructors in Their Course Design

Developing Research-Based Learning and Teaching (Rblt) in a Digital Age: Engaging University Students in an Interdisciplinary Smart Energy Community Research in Hong Kong

Developing University Instructors’ Discipline-Specific Professional Generative AI Competence

Educational Support for d/hh Students in Tertiary Education

Future-Proofing Business Education: A Proposal for AI Integration With Blended Learning

Impact of Edu-Metaverse on Motivation, Cognitive Benefits and Learning Outcomes

Introduction to Teaching and Learning with Chatbots Powered by Student-In-the-Loop Knowledge Bases

Leveraging Metaverse for Promoting Data Security and Privacy Awareness

Unlocking Success: Exploring Effective Strategies for Flipped Learning and Teaching in Higher Education