AI-Assisted Presentation Skills Training

Applying Virtual Reality to Virtual Teaching and Learning in Traditional Chinese Medicine Education (Orthopedics and Trauma)

Co-Creating the Future of Education: A Student Partnership Project

Design-Led STEM for Creative Innovations

Development of a Web-based Remote Laboratory for Science and Engineering Students (科學與工程教育遙距實驗室)

Digital Design House – A Cloud Online E-learning Platform for Collaborative Product Development

Enhancing Video Lecturing through Interactive Video Activities and Video Analytics

Knowlearn: Evaluating Cross-Subjects Interactive Learning by Deploying Knowledge Graph and Large Language Model

Online or Offline or Both? The Support of Blended Learning

Promoting Cross-Institutional Collaboration Through Interprofessional Education: Forging Alliances in Healthcare Education

Unlocking Success: A Digital Archive Showcasing Exemplary Student Works During COVID-19