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Oral Presentation Time: 1400-1500
Venue: Camomile Room, Lower Level II
– Professor Michael BOTELHO, Clinical Professor, Restorative Dental Sciences, Faculty of Dentistry, The University of Hong Kong
– Ms Trinity JIAO, HKU SaP CoP Project Coordinator, Restorative Dental Sciences, Faculty of Dentistry, The University of Hong Kong
The “Students as Partners (SaP)” support framework fosters active interdisciplinary collaboration. Key initiatives undertaken by the Students as Partners Community of Practice (SaP CoP) involve organizing seminar-sharing sessions, hosting internal CoP meetings, and conducting formal consultation sessions for those initiating SaP projects. These efforts offer valuable learning opportunities and continuous support for both educators and students. At HKU, the SaP CoP has developed a Scope, Process, and Levels framework for SaP activities. In partnership with TALIC, the SaP CoP has established a dedicated webpage and featured it in the HKU bulletin. These initiatives have been well-received by students and staff alike, providing meaningful experiences and practical guidelines that significantly contribute to their learning and engagement journey.
Theme: 1. Showcase Project Achievements