Advancing Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) Literacy in Healthcare and Medicine

Applying Virtual Reality to Virtual Teaching and Learning in Traditional Chinese Medicine Education (Orthopedics and Trauma)

Co-Creating the Future of Education: A Student Partnership Project

Developing a Co-designer ChatGPT Platform to Support Instructors in Their Course Design

Developing University Instructors’ Discipline-Specific Professional Generative AI Competence

Enhancing Ethnic-Minority Students’ Writing Skills through GenAI: The WISE Framework

FITE-IICA: Developing an AI Platform to Promote University Students’ Reflective Capacity

From Nurturing Digital Citizenship to Advocating Digital Ethics and Responsibility

Future-Proofing Business Education: A Proposal for AI Integration With Blended Learning

Global Citizenship Education for a Better World in the ESL Classroom

Immersive Technologies in Higher Education: What’s Next?

Introduction to Teaching and Learning with Chatbots Powered by Student-In-the-Loop Knowledge Bases

Kindergarten To Primary Transition – Supporting Children’s Well-Being

Promoting Cross-Institutional Collaboration Through Interprofessional Education: Forging Alliances in Healthcare Education

The Development and Implementation of “Students as Partners” through a University-Wide Supporting Community of Practice