A Generative-AI Platform for Subject Specific Intelligent Tutoring Systems

Application of Digital Human in the Metaverse platform – “Learningverse” for Learning and Teaching

Developing University Instructors’ Discipline-Specific Professional Generative AI Competence

Enhancing Competence in Eye Care for Children with Special Educational Needs: An Inter-professional Collaborative Training Program for Optometry and Education Students

From Nurturing Digital Citizenship to Advocating Digital Ethics and Responsibility

Future-Proofing Business Education: A Proposal for AI Integration With Blended Learning

Global Citizenship Education for a Better World in the ESL Classroom

Leveraging Metaverse for Promoting Data Security and Privacy Awareness

The Challenges and Progress of Building Diversity and Inclusion Education on the Campus

The Value Co-creation Process and Practices – A Case Study of Gerontechnology Education at Lingnan University

Unlocking Success: Exploring Effective Strategies for Flipped Learning and Teaching in Higher Education