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- College of Professional and Continuing Education, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University ×
- Hong Kong Baptist University ×
- The Hong Kong Polytechnic University ×
- 1. Showcase Project Achievements ×
- 2. Thematic Exploration ×
- 1.2 Fund for Innovative Technology-in-Education (FITE) ×
- 2.1 Community of Practice (CoP) ×
- 2.2 Diversity and Inclusion Education ×
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Oral Presentation Time: 1400-1500
Venue: Fanling Room, Lower Level I
– Dr Richard Wing Cheung LUI, Senior Lecturer, Department of Computing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
This presentation introduces the design and implementation of GPTutor, a Generative AI (GenAI) powered Intelligent Tutoring System (ITS) developed at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU). GPTutor aims to enhance student learning experiences through personalised tutoring and interactive exploration. It helps students gain a deeper understanding of the course materials provided by their instructors. During the first phase of our implementation, we developed features for instructors to upload and manage their course content and to create learning scenarios based on the learning content. The system includes a conversational interface for students to ask questions and explore course content to deepen their understanding. As the answers are generated based on the instructor-uploaded content, GPTutor provides more factual responses, reduces hallucinations, and aligns better with the instructors’ intended learning outcomes (ILO). We will also share findings from our pilot study, which involved approximately 200 undergraduate and postgraduate students at PolyU. Finally, we will discuss our future plans for further development and enhancement of the platform.
Theme: 1. Showcase Project Achievements
Sub-theme: Innovative Technology-in-Education
Oral Presentation Time: 1600-1700
Venue: Fanling Room, Lower Level I
– Dr Esther TONG, Principal Lecturer, Division Head, Divisions of Language and Communications, College of Professional Continuing Education, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
– Professor Roger CHAN, Division Head, Divisions of Social Sciences, Humanities and Design, College of Professional Continuing Education, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Effective Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) praxis relies on the sustained efforts of members of the interdisciplinary community of practice in fostering shared aspirations in pedagogical improvement, developing awareness of a content-language link, sharing resources and practices, and co-constructing understanding of disciplinarity. Responding to the need to align higher education assessments with the real-world communication and professional requirements, faculty members across the College are summoned to redesign the assessments of language and disciplinary practices. While previous studies on integrated assessment of language and disciplinary content focus on the validity, reliability and teacher belief-practice dichotomy (Attar et. al, 2022; Lo & Leung, 2022; Otto, 2018), this paper explores the essence of successful Professional Communities of Practice (PCoP). Sustainable practices and challenges associated with co-designing integrated content and language assessments in business and social sciences disciplines will be explored. It positions CLIL assessment as a collaborative provision. The first part details the associated practices of a collaborative model in an adjunct English-across-the-curriculum project. The second part highlights the impactful dialogues within a social enterprise business idea pitching competition organised to foster interdisciplinary collaboration in a professional learning community. Recommendations for optimising collaboration and maximising the participatory impact of interdisciplinary communities of practice in higher education contexts will be shared.
Theme: 2. Thematic Exploration
Sub-theme: Community of Practice (CoP)
Poster Presentation Time: 1225-1400; 1500-1600
Venue: J2, Tai Po-Shek-O Room, Lower Level I
– Dr Benjamin MOORHOUSE, Assistant Professor, Department of Education Studies, Hong Kong Baptist University
The public release of ChatGPT sent shock waves through the education community. Since then, many generative AI (GenAI) tools that perform various human tasks have been launched. It is essential that higher education institutions are at the forefront of preparing graduates for the productive and responsible use of these tools. To make this a reality, instructors, as models of practice, must have the skills and knowledge to use GenAI tools. They need to understand how AI works (technological proficiency); they need to consider the ethical issues of the tools (critical and ethical awareness); they need the pedagogical awareness of how and when to use them (pedagogical capability); and they need prepare their students to use them. These skills can be considered ‘Professional Generative AI competence’ (P-GenAI-C). The Inter-institutional Collaborative Activities for Fund for Innovative Technology-in Education project presented in this poster aims to: (1) Identify the P-GenAI-C in different university subject disciplines; (2) Contextualize the P-GenAI-C within each universities’ policies and guidelines; (3) Develop training and continuous support for university instructors, and (4) Develop a developmental framework and reflective tool for evaluating P-GenAI-C. The first aim and discussion of the actualization of the remaining aims are presented.
Theme: 1. Showcase Project Achievements
Sub-theme: 1.2 Fund for Innovative Technology-in-Education (FITE)
Poster Presentation Time: 1500-1600; 1700-1800
Venue: D3, Tai Po-Shek-O Room, Lower Level I
– Dr Kin WAN, Teaching Fellow, School of Optometry, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
– Dr Jeffrey LEUNG, Teaching Fellow, School of Optometry, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
This study assesses an inter-professional training program aimed at improving the skills of optometry and education students in addressing the visual needs of children with special educational needs (SEN). Due to communication and behavioral challenges, SEN children are at a higher risk of having undetected visual problems, necessitating effective collaboration between optometrists and educators. The program included lectures, workshops, and practical vision screenings at special schools. Pre- and post-program surveys, using a Likert scale, measured participants’ understanding of SEN and confidence in managing visual issues in these children. Thirty-seven optometry and 21 education students participated in the study. Results showed a significant enhancement in the understanding of SEN characteristics and the importance of pediatric eye care (p < 0.001 and p < 0.023 respectively). Optometry students reported increased confidence in building rapport with SEN children, conducting eye exams, and making professional judgments (p ≤ 0.006). The findings suggest that inter-professional training can effectively improve the competence of future professionals in providing comprehensive eye care to SEN children, showcasing the benefits of collaborative educational approaches between healthcare and special education sectors.
Theme: 2. Thematic Exploration
Sub-theme: 2.2 Diversity and Inclusion Education
Oral Presentation Time: 1400-1500
Venue: Fanling Room, Lower Level I
– Dr Theresa KWONG, Director, Centre for Holistic Teaching and Learning, Hong Kong Baptist University
HKBU leads two UGC-funded projects to enhance digital citizenship education and promote digital ethics. The first project, “Enhancing Learning and Teaching of Digital Citizenship through Scenario-based AR Learning Trails”, pioneers innovative approaches, developing scenario-based AR learning trails to engage students as active partners in digital citizenship. With six university partners, the project team created a revised Digital Citizenship Framework and over 85 scenarios, implemented in the “AR-Trails” app. Initial findings from 2,045 students on a learning trail reveal a strong digital citizenship foundation. These insights led to the second initiative, the “Digital Ethics and Responsibilities (DEAR) Campaign”, which empowers stakeholders to make informed, responsible decisions in the digital world. The DEAR project leverages the Digital Citizenship project, creating a DEAR Hub, organizing digital ethics events, designing a micro-credential program, and curating educational content. Since January 2024, DEAR has made significant progress, including securing research ethics approval, developing an introductory micro-credential, and recording podcasts. The DEAR Hub is being established as a comprehensive digital ethics resource. These interlinked projects provide educators with professional development opportunities and resources. The presentation offers an overview of their progression and advancements, providing insights into digital citizenship education and promoting ethical, responsible digital practices.
Theme: 1. Showcase Project Achievements
Sub-theme: Innovative Technology-in-Education
Poster Presentation Time: 1220-1400; 1500-1600
Venue: J3, Tai Po-Shek-O Room, Lower Level I
– Mr Ryan MAN, Associate Dean (Undergraduate Studies), School of Business, Hong Kong Baptist University
The Fund for Innovative Technology-in-Education (FITE) has catalyzed a transformative initiative within our School to future-proof business education. Our approach is three-pronged, with a focus on curriculum development, personalized e-learning, and pedagogical innovation. In anticipation of the 2024/25 academic year, a dedicated programme review team has been tasked with integrating AI across the BBA curriculum, introducing new core courses such as Business Coding, AI for Business, and AI Ethics and Governance. This integration extends to embedding AI applications into functional areas like marketing human resources management and finance. Besides, we have instituted a personalized e-learning graduation requirement, leveraging Industries 4.0 principles of IoT and AI in MOOCs, particularly LinkedIn Learning, to enhance engagement and digital literacy. Our metrics indicate promising uptake and substantial engagement in technology courses, underscoring the relevance of data analytics and AI in contemporary education. Supporting our pedagogical shift, the FITE-backed Fostering AI-Incorporated Learning team is pioneering AI and blended learning integration to elevate teaching quality. Our experimental initiatives range from incorporating Generative AI into Business Analytics education and piloting AI in HR teaching. These efforts signify our commitment to driving pedagogical transformation and curriculum innovation, preparing students for the evolving demands of the digital economy.
Theme: 1. Showcase Project Achievements
Sub-theme: 1.2 Fund for Innovative Technology-in-Education (FITE)
Oral Presentation Time: 1600-1700
Venue: Camomile Room, Lower Level II
– Dr Cissy LI, Head, Language Centre, Hong Kong Baptist University
Based on the UN’s 2030 Framework, global citizenship education (GCE) aims to develop learners’ knowledge, skills, attitudes, and values necessary to become active and responsible global citizens (Reimers et al., 2016). In order to become a successful global citizen, learners need to be aware of the interconnectedness of the world, respectful of diversity, reflective of personal and others’ behaviors and their impact, and committed to sustainability. More importantly, they need to be willing to take action to make changes for a better world. This presentation will report on the implementation and outcomes of part of the project Nurturing Global Citizenship through English (NGCE) using Kolb’s experiential learning framework. GCE guided learning in the ESL classroom was complemented with abundant GCE opportunities outside the classroom, including global dialogues, field trips and poster-exhibitions. Findings from questionnaire surveys and focus group interviews indicate that students had a heightened awareness of global citizenship and perceived improvements in cognitive, socio-emotional and behavioral competencies, which are the three core domains in GCE identified by UNESCO (2015). The positive outcomes highlight the benefits of integrating GCE into the English language curriculum and fostering diversity, inclusion, and international learning.
Theme: 2. Thematic Exploration
Sub-theme: Diversity and Inclusion Education
Oral Presentation Time: 1600-1700
Venue: Rose Room, Lower Level I
– Dr Thomas LEE, Associate Professor and Associate Head (Academic) Department of Biomedical Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
– Dr Hin Chung LAU, Senior Lecturer, Programme Leader (BSc), and Assistant Dean (Student Development) of Faculty of Engineering, Department of Biomedical Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
– Ms Jessie KAR, Instructor, Department of Biomedical Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
– Ms Rahat BATOOL, Student, Educational Development Centre, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
– Mr Mitesh PATEL, Educational Development Officer, Educational Development Centre, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
– Mr Leo CHON, Assistant Educational Development Officer II, Educational Development Centre, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University,
Students in Hong Kong have generally been perceived as passive learners, with limited opportunities for active involvement in the development of educational experiences. Here, we would like to showcase the untapped potential of students as co-creators in subject development. By harnessing the power of Student-Staff Partnership (SSP), teachers can unlock the full potential of students, creating a dynamic and enriched learning environment that benefits both the students involved and future cohorts. This presentation explores a practical approach to harnessing the power of SSP in the co-creation of an international service-learning (SL) project. The teachers encountered difficulties in adapting original local SL project to overseas because of resources limitations. By inviting students who studied the same subject in the previous year, with outstanding performance into the decision-making processes for the next cohort, this model encourages students to contribute their unique insights and ideas in redesigning the SL project. With the students’ first-hand experience and thorough understanding of the subject’s intended learning outcomes, their contribution can make the subject more impactful and aligned with the needs of students. Not only does this approach benefit the teachers by providing a deeper understanding of student needs, but it also fosters students’ personal growth and leadership development.
Theme: 2. Thematic Exploration
Sub-theme: Community Engaged Learning & Community of Practice (CoP)
Poster Presentation Time: 1500-1600; 1700-1800
Venue: G1, Tai Po-Shek-O Room, Lower Level I
– Dr Yuk Ming TANG, Senior Lecturer, Department of Indusial and System Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
STEM education is essential in today’s curriculum even for university students. However, traditional classroom-based instruction methods often lack interactivity and tailored experiences that foster student engagement and comprehension. The integration of Virtual Reality (VR) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) generative chatbots has emerged as a transformative influence on the teaching and learning process. Despite this, limited research has explored the impact of advanced technology on STEM learning outcomes. This study explores the potential of employing VR and AI as tools to facilitate teaching to enhance students’ learning outcomes. 120 university students are involved in this study to examine the difference in learning outcomes by utilizing three instructional approaches for learning projectile motion: (1) a traditional didactic classroom, (2) a game-based VR metaverse, and (3) a game-based VR metaverse enriched with a generative chatbot-based pedagogical agent. The study prudently evaluated alterations in student motivation, cognitive benefit, and learning outcomes. Preliminary findings suggest that incorporating VR and AI into teaching considerably enhances student engagement and cognitive participation. This study demonstrates how the integration of VR with AI can elevate student engagement, comprehension, and skill acquisition in STEM education, paving the way for a more captivating and effective learning environment in the Edu-metaverse.
Theme: 2. Thematic Exploration
Sub-theme: 2.1 Community of Practice (CoP)
Poster Presentation Time: 1500-1600; 1700-1800
Venue: L1, Tai Po-Shek-O Room, Lower Level I
– Dr Joseph Yui-yip LAU, Interim Head of Student Affairs and Senior Lecturer, Division of Business and Hospitality Management, College of Professional and Continuing Education, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Strengthening diversity and inclusion education may foster Hong Kong to establish a regional education hub in the Asia Pacific region. To align with the dual objectives of internationalization and the integration of the Greater Bay Area, the admission policy and strategy have been fundamental changes in the past few decades. As expected, the student population is not only local students but also mainland students, ethics minorities, and other foreign students jointly enroll in the programme, participate in the student activities, and use the campus facilities for learning and social networking purposes. In response, the Student Affairs Office plays a crucial role in building diversity and inclusion education on the campus. This study aims to investigate the current context of the higher education sector, to identify the challenges of building diversity and inclusion education on campus, and to propose possible future trends of building diversity and inclusion education in the higher education sector in the forthcoming years.
Theme: 2. Thematic Exploration
Sub-theme: 2.2 Diversity and Inclusion Education
Poster Presentation Time: 1225-1400; 1500-1600
Venue: K1, Tai Po-Shek-O Room, Lower Level 1
– Dr Laura ZHOU, Education Development Officer, Education Development Centre, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
– Mr Leo WONG, Project Associate, Education Development Centre, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
The flipped learning and teaching approach redefines the traditional classroom dynamic by swapping the order of direct instruction and homework activities. In a flipped classroom, students engage with instructional materials (such as videos, readings, or podcasts) outside of class, freeing up valuable in-class time for active learning, collaborative activities, and deeper understanding. In our quest to promote effective flipped learning and teaching practices, we conducted comprehensive interviews with experienced teaching staff at PolyU, who have successfully integrated this methodology into their course. Their valuable insights were collected and compiled into case studies, which were then disseminated to all teaching staff members through e-newsletters and experience sharing workshops. These teaching cases serve as compelling examples, showcasing the versatility and impact of flipped learning and teaching. They underscore the significance of adapting pedagogical methods to enhance student learning experiences. By shifting the locus of content consumption outside the classroom, educators empower students to actively engage with the material during face-to-face sessions, fostering a deeper understanding and more meaningful interactions.
Theme: 1: Showcase Project Achievements