Multi-Faceted Approach to Promote Ocean Literacy and Public Stewardship for Coral Conservation

Poster Presentation Time: 1225-1400; 1500-1600
Venue: K3, Tai Po-Shek-O Room, Lower Level I

– Professor Apple Pui Yi CHUI, Research Assistant Professor, School of Life Sciences, The Chinese University of Hong Kong


Coral reef restoration is a rapidly growing public engagement by many marine scientists, citizen scientists, NGOs and the public worldwide prompted by the accelerating degradation of global coral reefs along with the associated losses in the key ecosystem services. The Coral Academy at The Chinese University of Hong Kong is a scientific research team led by Dr. Apple Chui, which aims to explore interventions to enhance coral resilience and develop effective coral restoration techniques in Hong Kong. Leveraging this knowledge and unique expertise, the Academy also dedicates efforts to environmental education programmes that cultivate ocean literacy among local communities. The Academy’s flagship programme, the School Coral Nursery Education Programme, is a hands-on stewardship initiative that engages students in coral restoration activities, connecting them to the conservation of these marine ecosystems. Additionally, the Academy organizes a range of engaging learning experiences aimed at increasing participants’ knowledge and awareness, empowering them to take actions in support of coral conservation. These efforts also foster partnerships between academia, government, and non-governmental organizations in Hong Kong. This poster will highlight examples of the experiential learning methods adopted by the Academy to promote ocean literacy and public stewardship for local coral conservation.

Theme: 1. Showcase Project Achievements
Sub-theme: 1.4  Other UGC grants, Quality Education Fund (QEF), and Quality Enhancement Support Scheme (QESS)