Leveraging Metaverse for Promoting Data Security and Privacy Awareness

Poster Presentation Time: 1225-1400; 1500-1600
Venue: I3, Tai Po-Shek-O Room, Lower Level I

Ms Winnie WONG, Educational Development Manager, Centre for Learning, Teaching and Technology, The Education University of Hong Kong

Mr Vincent CHAN, Educational Development Assistant, Centre for Learning, Teaching and Technology, The Education University of Hong Kong


Background and Objectives: This project aims to leverage the immersive capabilities of the metaverse to enhance data security and privacy awareness among students and staff at the Education University of Hong Kong. Develop a series of interactive and engaging educational materials to enhance the understanding of data security principles and data privacy policies. Design and implement a dynamic and user-friendly online platform (Metaverse Space) to host the educational materials, facilitating easy access and learning for target audiences. Methods and Findings: Within this metaverse-based platform, users are presented with practical scenarios that simulate real-world situations involving security-critical concepts. The educational virtual environment is strategically gamified to motivate users through rewarding challenges and progressive levels, bridging the gap between theory and practice. The dynamic simulation exercises allow participants to directly experience the impact of security failures and rehearse protective actions in a risk-free, controlled setting, nurturing applied skills alongside conceptual understanding. The survey results, based on responses from (n=20), indicate that the gamified metaverse prototype is both engaging and effective in teaching data security and privacy concepts. The interactive scenarios and simulations were particularly praised for their usefulness in understanding real-world data security issues. The navigation of the metaverse environment was generally considered easy. Overall, the positive responses suggest that the gamified metaverse is a valuable tool for learning data security, demonstrating its effectiveness in an educational context. Discussion and Perspectives: Leveraging Metaverses data security learning platform offers an innovative and immersive approach to addressing the limitations of traditional training methods, empowering users with comprehensive knowledge and applied skills to mitigate evolving cyber threats.

Theme: 1. Showcase Project Achievements
Sub-theme: 1.2  Fund for Innovative Technology-in-Education (FITE)