How To Blend in Preservation of Cultural Heritage Into Pre-Internship Training – An Exemplar From a VR Simulation of Internvision

Poster Presentation Time: 1225-1400; 1500-1600
Venue: L5, Tai Po-Shek-O Room, Lower Level I

Ms Janet Ching Man TSE, Assistant Programme Administrator, School of Continuing and Professional Studies, The Chinese University of Hong Kong


InternVision envisages to be an ingenious and resourceful Virtual Reality (VR) platform with interactive contents of real-life workplace simulations for enhancing practical skills and professional related concepts, reaction and decision making at a multitude of careers. Encompassing a series of VR simulations, the dual platforms of InternVision – a VR Head-Mounted Display System and a Mobile Application (app), will host internship scenarios for preparing and fostering the readiness of students of CUSCS full-time programmes at their future workplace. By integrating with the use of VR technology, InternVision enables students to gain exposure and understanding from an immersive environment where an array of tasks are assigned in each virtual simulation. Students can gain confidence and familiarity with a ‘re-try’ opportunity for self-reflection and get further improvement before the commencement of actual internship and future career. Appending with its mobile app, InternVision allows greater flexibility, convenience and user-friendliness for students of different disciplines to maneuver the VR simulations freely without time limit, to develop a deeper understanding of their roles related to their own profession and to achieve the intended learning outcomes. Self-learning materials and guidelines will also supplement the platform to support their internship training and experiential learning, especially at the recurrent waves of pandemic when internship arrangement may be affected. This presentation endeavours to share ideas on how InternVision can blend in and enrich internship preparation with a sample illustration and how it can enhance experience exchange by connecting students with internship supervisors and peer groups via technologies.

Theme: 1. Showcase Project Achievements
Sub-theme: 1.4  Other UGC grants, Quality Education Fund (QEF), and Quality Enhancement Support Scheme (QESS)