FITE-IICA: Developing an AI Platform to Promote University Students’ Reflective Capacity

Oral Presentation Time: 1400-1500
Venue: Fanling Room, Lower Level I

– Mr Jac LEUNG, Lecturer, Division of Integrative Systems and Design, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology


This project explores the intersection of Generative AI, reflection and experiential learning, highlighting GenAI’s pivotal role in fostering deeper cognitive processes and the attainment of complex knowledge structures. In recognition of the multifaceted dimensions of reflection, we aim to examine GenAI’s role in promoting different focuses of reflection including technical reflection on efficiency of attaining goals; practical reflection on challenging assumptions and establishing identities; and critical reflection on reflecting within a broader consideration of socio-historical and political-cultural context. GenAI is widely praised for its ability to serve as agent to writing and agent to knowledge. This study explores GenAI’s potential as agent to reflect, offering a perspective transformation devoid of judgement and social bias. We adopt an action research approach to accommodate both the rapidly growing research area and state-of-the-art teaching innovations. To examine the roles of GenAI in various types of experiential learning contexts, a 3-year collaboration project consists of four local universities in Hong Kong was initiated in early 2024. Participating students are of diverse background in science, social science, engineering, business, and health profession (radiography). Reflective exercises are designed according to the course context and the type of experiences within entrepreneurship education, social innovation, and health professional training.

Theme: 1. Showcase Project Achievements
Sub-theme: Innovative Technology-in-Education