Event Rundown Monday June 24, 2024

9.00 - 9.30 AM


9.30 - 9.50

Welcoming Addresses by Officiating Guests

Mr SZE Chun-fai, Jeff, Under Secretary for Education, HKSAR Government


Professor James TANG, Secretary-General, University Grants Committee (UGC)


Professor Jan THOMAS, Chair, Quality Assurance Council of UGC (pre-recorded)

9.50 - 10.10

Opening Ceremony

HKTEA Report and Group Photo

10.10 - 10.15

Word of Support (pre-recorded)

Professor Marilee LUDVIK

Member, Quality Assurance Council of UGC
Associate Provost and Director, Office of Institutional Effectiveness
Loyola University Chicago, USA 

10.15 - 10.35

Coffee Break

10.35 - 12.25

Presentation and Roundtable Discussions

"Exemplary Teaching and Learning Practices, Challenges, Partnership & Synergy"
Group 1: Exemplary T&L practices, challenges, partnership and synergy


Dr Albert CHAU

Vice-President (Teaching and Learning)
Hong Kong Baptist University

Professor CHENG, May Hung May

Vice President (Academic)
Chair Professor of Teacher Education
The Education University of Hong Kong

Mr Albert H P CHOW

Executive Director
Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications (HKCAAVQ)

Professor Ting-Chuen PONG

Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Vice-President for Administration and Business
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology


Professor POON Wai-yin, JP

Pro-Vice-Chancellor / Vice-President (Education)
Wei Lun Professor of Statistics,The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Chair, Hong Kong Teaching Excellence Alliance

Group 2 Exemplary student support practices, challenges, partnership and synergy


Professor King Lau CHOW

Acting Dean of Students
Professor, Division of Life Science, Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, and Division of Public Policy
Director, Centre for the Development of the Gifted and Talented
Program Director, BSc in Individualized Interdisciplinary Major Program
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Professor Ronald CHUNG

Dean, School of Continuing Education, Hong Kong Baptist University
Chairman, Federation for Self-financing Tertiary Education (FSTE)

Professor TANG Wai Lan Gladys

Professor, Department of Linguistics and Modern Languages
Chairman, Senate Committee on Language Enhancement
Director, Centre for Sign Linguistics and Deaf Studies
The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Professor Samson TSE

Dean of Student Affairs
Centre of Development and Resources for Students
The University of Hong Kong

Professor YAN Kit Ming Isabel

Associate Provost (Student Life)
Associate Professor, Department of Economics and Finance
City University of Hong Kong


Dr Julia CHEN

Director of Educational Development
Associate Professor (Courtesy), Department of English and Communication
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Member, Hong Kong Teaching Excellence Alliance

12.25 - 14.00

Networking Lunch & Poster Presentation 1

"Showcase Project Achievements"

Poster Presentation Location

14.00 - 15.00

Breakout Session 1

"Showcase Project Achievements"

15.00 - 16.00

Coffee Break and Poster Presentation 2

"Showcase Project Achievements & Thematic Exploration"

Poster Presentation Location

16.00 - 17.00

Breakout Session 2

"Thematic Exploration"

17.00 - 18.00

Networking & Poster Presentation 3

"Thematic Exploration"

Poster Presentation Location

18.00 - 18.30

Dinner Reception (by invitation)

18.30 - 21.30

Dinner (by invitation)