CityU Tiger Programme: Empowering Elite Students to Reach New Height of Excellence

Poster Presentation Time: 1500-1600; 1700-1800
Venue: B4, Tai Po-Shek-O Room, Lower Level I

– Mr Frankie Tsz Ki FAN, Executive Officer, Talent and Education Development Office, City University of Hong Kong


CityUHK launched the CityU Tiger Programme for nurturing the talents of tomorrow and transforming students into future global leaders. The Programme targets both newly-admitted undergraduate students with outstanding academic performance as well as high-achieving first-year students and have approximately 1,000 members in 2023/24. With constant guidance and support from faculty members, the Programme organised various tailored activities for these elite students, allowing them to navigate the challenges of the fast-changing world, cultivate their talents in their respective fields of study, contribute to their communities, and ultimately emerge as future leaders and change-makers.

Theme: 2. Thematic Exploration
Sub-theme: 2.4  Whole-Person Development