Challenges and Possibilities: Active Learning Strategy in Metaverse for Health Professions Education

Poster Presentation Time: 1225-1400; 1500-1600
Venue: G2, Tai Po-Shek-O Room, Lower Level I

– Dr Florence Mei Kuen TANG, Lecturer, Division of Education, School of Biomedical Sciences, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

– Dr Charis Yuk Man LI, Lecturer, School of Life Sciences, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Mr Kenneth Chung Hin LAI, Centre for eLearning Innovation and Technology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong


The metaverse offers unique attributes that differentiate it from other educational tools, particularly its “Interactivity, Corporeality, and Permanence” within an immersive unreal space. Active learning, a dynamic educational approach, encourages students to engage in learning rather than passively receiving information. We aim to harness the metaverse concept to create interior architectural design virtual spaces where learners can interact in real-time, computer-generated environments. Methods and Results Our team is currently developing innovative Metaverse Learning Environments (MetaL). Since early 2023, we have transitioned health-related tertiary education to active metaverse-based pedagogy for teaching and learning activities. This approach includes in-class teaching, flipped classes, after-class learning, virtual hands-on practice, and AI tutoring. A preliminary observational study of in-class activities reveals that teachers can reinforce knowledge delivery while students enhance their learning through positive class interactions. Discussion and Conclusion The MetaL showcases the importance of leveraging technology to revolutionize traditional learning environments. Such transformation boosts students’ confidence in self-directed learning, communication skills, collaborative learning, problem-solving, innovation, critical reflection, and proficiency in professional training, but with challenges. Take Home Message In the future, the rapid advancements in online-based communication and generative AI technologies will transform the academic landscape, contributing to metaverse digital learning resources. Additionally, interior architecture and design are critical for students to experience psychological and emotional relaxation when engaging in virtual learning environments for ethical interaction.

Theme: 1. Showcase Project Achievements
Sub-theme: 1.1  Teaching Development and Language Enhancement Grant (TDLEG)