AI for All: Nurturing AI Literacy for Students at CityUHK

Poster Presentation Time: 1500-1600; 1700-1800
Venue: D4, Tai Po-Shek-O Room, Lower Level I

Dr William Man Yin CHEUNG, Senior Education Development Officer, Talent and Education Development Office, City University of Hong Kong

– Ms Ka Yan SO, Educational Development Officer, Talent and Education Development Office, City University of Hong Kong


In the recent era of rapid development and ubiquitous application of artificial intelligence (AI), it has become crucial for all students to be AI-literate irrespective of their academic background. This poster shares the pilot run of the “AI for All” initiative at CityUHK, which introduced the basic principles, development, and recent applications of AI to the participating students. Students analysed how AI has been utilised by various organisations/platforms and demonstrated improved AI literacy after the initiative.

Theme: 2. Thematic Exploration
Sub-theme: 2.2 Diversity and Inclusion Education