June 2024

Hong Kong Teaching Excellence Alliance (HKTEA)

HKTEA Symposium 2024: Reflection and Exploration

About the
HKTEA Symposium

In line with our mission to foster exchange of best practices among local institutions, we are excited to announce the upcoming HKTEA Symposium 2024, scheduled for 24 June 2024 (Monday).

The primary objective of this symposium is to showcase the exceptional work of the members of HKTEA and its CoP as well as fellow teachers from different institutions in promoting high-quality teaching over years.  We firmly believe that by sharing these best practices, we can further enhance the exchange of ideas and improve teaching standards across the region

The Symposium will feature engaging roundtable discussions in the morning and oral/poster presentations in the afternoon on various topics, including exemplary practices, innovative technology in education, diversity and inclusion education, whole person development, community engaged learning, among others. Esteemed leaders from both the UGC sector and self-financing sector will be in attendance.