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Oral Presentation Time: 1600-1700
Venue: Peony Room, Lower Level II
– Dr Pui Pui Phoebe CHEUNG, Assistant Professor (Occupational Therapy), Academic Team, Yew Chung College of Early Childhood Education
– Dr Anna Aracelly OLGUIN, Assistant Professor, Academic Team, Yew Chung College of Early Childhood Education
The United Nation Convention on the Rights of Child (UNCRC 1989) ensures the right of all children to have their basic needs taken care of, to be protected at all times, and to participate in decisions that will affect their lives. Unfortunately, millions of children around the world are deprived of these rights. As countries adopt, adapt, and uphold Child’s Rights and Protection protocols, there is a palpable need for information. Practices such as mandated reporting, enacted as law in some Western countries since the 1960’s, are now making their way to places in Hong Kong and teachers will be accountable to report. This presentation has dual objectives. One is to understand pre-service teachers’ knowledge and attitudes regarding child rights and protection pre and post course taking utilizing a co-design thinking approach. The second objective is to share information about a project aiming at co-constructing a culturally relevant Child’s Rights and Protection educational framework with parents who are Ethnic Minorities and/or parents of Special Education Needs children. From these perspectives, the knowledge and attitudes about child rights & protection among the preservice teachers and the voice of the caregivers are of immense importance towards the wellbeing of children in vulnerable populations.
Theme: 2. Thematic Exploration
Sub-theme: Whole-person Development & Diversity and Inclusion Education
Poster Presentation Time: 1500-1600; 1700-1800
Venue: B2, Tai Po-Shek-O Room, Lower Level I
– Mr Iain KILLOUGHERY, Lecturer, Sport, Physical Education and Health, Hong Kong Baptist University
Graduate attributes (GAs), formally adopted by higher education institutions for some time, describe the skills and competences that students should develop over the course of their studies. GAs are considered important to universities as they act as a means to represent and extend their brand, while also providing a channel to maintain connection with industry. However, despite regular engagement with industry, employers remain unsatisfied with graduate transferable skills. This may be caused by a lack of a common theoretical underpinning to develop such attributes. Therefore, the aim of this study was to provide an evidence-based methodology which develops transferable skills in university graduates. Two classes were used in this study; one class received a 12-week intervention incorporating a variety of coaching activities. The second class acted as a control group. Students completed pre-intervention surveys providing self-reports of ratings in GAs and resourcefulness behaviours. Post-intervention, students again complete surveys reporting self-ratings on the same topics. Survey data was analysed to identify changes in student scores, which highlighted improvements in all graduate attribute ratings post-intervention. Furthermore, help-seeking behaviours were shown to have significant improvement post-intervention. This study suggests that coaching practices may provide an effective method to develop transferable skills in students.
Theme: 2. Thematic Exploration
Sub-theme: 2.4Â Whole-Person Development
Oral Presentation Time: 1600-1700
Venue: Peony Room, Lower Level II
– Dr Joseph Yui-yip LAU, Interim Head of Student Affairs and Senior Lecturer, Division of Business and Hospitality Management, College of Professional and Continuing Education, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
A large number of students enrolled in sub-degree programmes and self-financing degree programmes in self-financing post-secondary institutions each year. As such, self-financing post-secondary institutions perform a significant role in the higher education sector in Hong Kong. To the best of the author’s knowledge, most of the students are eager to achieve whole-person development to equip themselves before graduation. In other words, they strive toward becoming a preferred graduate to establish a career path or articulate to the ‘desirable’ universities for further study. This study illustrates the Student Affairs Office to address the key challenges of developing whole person development programme, deliver successful cases of the formation of a structured whole-person development programme, and point out the roadmap to the future whole-person development programme in the forthcoming years. As expected, the study may provide valuable insights to policymakers, educators, higher education institutions, and researchers to develop a future research agenda and policy.
Theme: 2. Thematic Exploration